CaseFileA0002989:THE_EVERYMAN… An ever shifting man is of the most extreme cases, cursed to, in an excruciatingly painful manner, transfigurate taking on a new physical identity somehow glitched and intertwined with a database of human facial/corporal recognition software, and forever resourceful, sourcing past and present “looks” and genetic potentialities, he has been nicknamed “The Everyman”. Cosmetology experts have purchased the monstrosity for xorbitant sums for purposes unbeknownst to the public eye, though rumor has it some of the less ethically charged fashion icons see runway potential, with the use of digitized augmentation to change outfits as the model shapeshifts. Doses of Fentanyl-based solution are administered via oxygen containers surgically implanted into the lungs which seem to show the lowest rate of extreme characteristic change. This has yet to be co-opted and aestheticized as trend.