So this next recipe flips a fusion style antidish on its head and reinvents the fuckin cheese wheel_ so you’re gon' start with twenty pinches of cremated witch remains they gotta be contemporary witches none of this historical bullshit _ manwitches! you feel me? The misandric trials of the early 00s will do for real the burn all men typea energy_ the Epstein Weinstein Meier typa burnt skin that's the good shit pedophilic rapist penis ash is essential gives a different flava a bit umami in the afterbite swear to gawd then you're gonna miz in the goatcum saliva cumin mix we talked about earlier in the program get the texture to a nice level really dont be afraid to get in there and whip it around finger it real good then you're gonna add a six lethal doses of fentanyl and bring it to a steady boil _ *cut to commercial break clickbait canvass* ight so as it’s boiling you're gonna wanna chop up your carrots and cauliflower into microscopic smithereens and wash the dozen aborted fetuses mixing all of these ingredients into a bowl get it to a nice octopus sorta textural feel then dunk it all in the boiling brothsauce now so ughrr yea you're gonna wanna let the broth simmer steady for about 45 minutes and you wanna serve it with a side of potatoes and pumpernickel wait shit I forgot to mention ugh this is an extremely spicy delicacy of the elite upper illuminati echelons served only at ritualistic pedophile dinners very attuned to the reptilian taste buds though there are a few select adventurous and open minded brave mortals who can build a flavor palette diverse and broad enough to enjoy this challenging dish so let's dive in so excited to try this with our celebrity guests and the selected auditioning candidates lets makes sure we get the audience texting in to let us know their reactions_
III. Goatcum Pedophile Rind Soup